Wednesday, February 23, 2011

top ten countries of dates production

      In this essay, I like to describe the bar charts that talk about the top ten date-producing countries in 2001.

      In 2001, only one country passed the 1,000,000 tonnes of date production and it was Egypt. The least country of date production was Libya; it doesn’t pass 200,000 tones. The ascending level of date production countries after Libya is Sudan, Oman, Algeria, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran and Egypt in order, but the two countries Iraq and Pakistan are equal on level of date production at that time. The ascending level of date production by tonnes after Libya were 190,000, 250,000, 390,000, 650,000, 650,000, 670,000, 690,000, 840,000, 1,060,000 tonnes respectively. If we compare Libya and Egypt, we will figure that Egypt’s production was around five times more than Libya. The two countries, which were equal together were Pakistan and Iraq.

      As we can see, there are a lot of differences between the top ten countries, which produce the dates. 

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