Thursday, May 12, 2011

population growth, 1750 to 2150

            In this paragraph, I will write about world population growth from the line graph from 1750s till 2150s.

            In the 1750s, there was a small amount of population in rich and poor countries. From that time, both countries started growing slowly till 1900s, and poor countries reached more than 1.5 billion of population and around 1.5 million for rich countries. From that time the changing was visual. In the 1950s, the poor countries had almost reached 2 billion of population growth and rich countries still hadn’t reached 1 billion. After 50 years from that times there was a doubling of population in poor countries and were 6.1 billion and in rich and poor countries can lived. By the line graph, the United Nations estimates that after 150 years, the poor countries will reach 10 billion in population growth but the population will still remain the same in rich countries.

            The least developed, and these and the poor countries will see the biggest countries in population for the rest of 150 years.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Reflection 3

            In this semester, l has learned two type of essay and how can I analyze it. The first one is graph essay description and the other one is problems and solutions essay.

            First, in graph essay, we learned how could we analyze the pies chart then we moved to two pie chart after that we moved to three pies chart that are advanced. Another thing is the bar chart, which are three vertical columns have some information about comparing between countries or studies between three famous things. Then we moved the advanced one, which is came with more columns and more information that is quite hard.

            In conclusion, I thank Mr. Hedley a lot who gave us a lot of useful information in this course and motivate us for superiority. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011


         There are many that have problems with traffic; they try to solve it by improving roads and providing public transportation.

         A major cause is the population is growing. There are a lot of young people who have at least one car because they like to own cars. The other problem is the cars cost; they are cheap and a lot of people can buy them. We have a lack of car parking because of a lot of cars, and the government will not stop these because it helps the economic growth.

         There are some solutions we can put to make less traffic congestion. The first one is make a lot of air-conditioned buses for the welfare of people. The police can put some roles which could help to reduce the traffic, for instance: put more fines for people who commit the offences and don’t let young people under twenty five own more than one car. The other solution is change the strategies and build more parking and uses the government money in useful things.

         A lot of divisions in Abu Dhabi use their budgets on unnecessary things, and take a long time if they have projects.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Obese Problems And Solutions In The UAE

In this essay, I will write about the obese problems and solutions in the U.A.E.

A lot of people in the U.A.E still follow the old life style and eat excessively. We all know about the old life; our grandfathers ate a lot because they needed a lot of power to do their work. Nowadays, the major problem is the food. A lot of people eat extra unnecessary food because it’s easily available. The latest generation live to eat junk food more than the homemade food, which is healthier. Another problem is less fitness exercise and sport schedule. They like to play video games and use computers for things like chatting. They like to spend their time at the cinema with friends. These problems refer to the new generation of people.

There are, however, a lot of solutions to minimize the obese problems and guide people to the fitness way. First, they have to change their life style and skip the junk food; second, they have to put a schedule for walking or sport, at least twenty minutes for three days weekly. Third, they can join an institute and educate themselves about the fitness and how obesity is risky to our life. Another helpful solution is the organized food schedule. We have to skip all fat food and drink as much as we can, and try to eat more healthy food, which contains fibers, vitamins and proteins, and any useful food with an organized sport schedule.

As we can see, I have shown some problems with a bad life style we may get, and the solutions, if we follow them, can lead us to a healthy life-style. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

top ten countries of dates production

      In this essay, I like to describe the bar charts that talk about the top ten date-producing countries in 2001.

      In 2001, only one country passed the 1,000,000 tonnes of date production and it was Egypt. The least country of date production was Libya; it doesn’t pass 200,000 tones. The ascending level of date production countries after Libya is Sudan, Oman, Algeria, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran and Egypt in order, but the two countries Iraq and Pakistan are equal on level of date production at that time. The ascending level of date production by tonnes after Libya were 190,000, 250,000, 390,000, 650,000, 650,000, 670,000, 690,000, 840,000, 1,060,000 tonnes respectively. If we compare Libya and Egypt, we will figure that Egypt’s production was around five times more than Libya. The two countries, which were equal together were Pakistan and Iraq.

      As we can see, there are a lot of differences between the top ten countries, which produce the dates. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Valentine's Day

          In this essay, I will write about the difference between the men and women in what they buy for each other on Valentine’s Day.

         On the one hand, men have several things they buy for women, and they sort it in this way: 18% for cards, 16% for flowers, 14% for candy and 25% for other things. These things are the biggest segments of purchased items. The last four segmentations are 10% for jewelry, 7% for lingerie, 6% spa/personal care and 4% for perfume/cologne.

        On the other hand, also women have to buy something for their husbands or boyfriends, or he will look for another lady. They buy 8 items for men and sometimes it will be cards, candy, flowers, perfume/cologne, jewelry, lingerie, spa/personal care and other things; in order, 27%, 21%, 11%, 10%, 9%, 4%, 1% and 17% of women buys these things respectively.

         Now we can see who gets the lovely heart and who will attract the other on that day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

UK’s money in 1996

           In this essay, I will show some information about the total budget of the UK government and how they spent it in 1996.

          The total budget of the UK government at that time was £315 billion. The biggest segment was spent on social security; it was £100 billion. The second biggest segment was for Health and personal social services, £53 billion. The education was taking £38 billion; it was the 3rd on the segmentation. The rest included debt interest, other expenditure, defense, law and other, housing heritage and environment and industry, agriculture and employment in that order, and they took £25 billion, £23 billion, £22 billion, £17 billion, £15 billion and £13 billion respectively.
         There were three important categories which took the biggest share of the budget, and there were not big differences between the others.